L2 Responses

L2 National Reactions


Condolence telegrams of the Emperor and Empress to the Imperial Navy Office:

Bonn. 1913-10-17

“Once again a terrible blow has taken my Navy. The airship “L2” has fallen victim to an explosion and nearly 30 brave men, including the most competent supporters of the new weapon, had to leave their lives. Their death in service of our country provides them with mine and the whole German nation*s honorable rememberance.

Their families is our most heartfelt condolences for sure. But the sadness about what has happened will, I am convinced of, only spur to renewed efforts to develop the so important airship weapon to a reliable fund of war. Wilhelm I.R.”

Potsdam. New Palais.

“I am deeply shocked by the anewed misfortune that our navy has suffered from the accident of the Naval Airship “L2“. The Lord help the poor bereaved. Would be grateful to you for further news. Viktoria.” 

Berlin 1913-10-17

The Chancellor wrote to Admiral von Tirpitz the following telegram:

“Deeply moved by the sad news of the loss of the “L2” I express Your Excellency and the Imperial Navy my heartfelt sympathy. Concurrently I beg Your Excellency to express also to the bereaved of the crew, who in service of the kingdom found an honorable soldier´s death, my condolences. (Signed)Bethmann Hollweg.”

The telegram of Graf Zeppelin:

“Who could be more deeply moved and more deeply grieve with the navy than I do.”

Berlin. 1913-10-18

Other telegrams to the State Grand Admiral v. Tirpitz:

The Empress:

“Deeply shocked by the news of the new catastrophe that has befallen the navy, I ask you to express to the bereaved of those brave men who, in faithful performance of duty, found death, my heartfelt and warmest sympathy. May God console the bereaved in their great pain. Auguste Viktoria.”

The Crown Prince:

“Spreche Euerer Exzellenz mein tiefgefühltes Beileid aus zu dem erneuten erschütternden Verlust, der unsere Marine betroffen hat.”

The Grand Duke of Oldenburg:

“Receive Your Excellency my warmest part in the serious accident that has befallen the navy. Friedrich August.”

The Senat of Bremen to the Emperor:

“Deeply shocked by the destruction of the Naval Airship “L2“, which also the brave crew fell victim, the Senate expresses respectfully Your Majestyits heartfelt sympathy to the heavy loss, that has affected Your Majesty and the Imperial Navy.” 

At the same time the Senate has also the Secretary of the Navy Office expressed his condolences by telegram. 


Frankfurt a.M., 1913-10-17

The leadership of the German Airship-A.-G. has specified, that as a sign of sympathy for the catastrophy of the Naval Airship all trips with passenger airships on saturday shall be cancelled.The people´s trips of the “Viktoria Luise”, that on the occasion of the centennial celebration should have taken place in Frankfurt and for which a very large number of applications existed, are to be moved to one of the next days. The planned celebration at the Frankfurt airport also falls out. All airship ports of the Delag in Germany put their flags at half mast.

The Delag has sent condolence telegrams to the Secretary of State Tirpitz, the Graf Zeppelin and the widow of Captain Gluud.  

The “Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung” wrote about the airship catastrophe:

“Lively sympathy for the victioms of the catastrophe who in loyal devotion to duty in the service of the empire had to lose their lives, will be awakened by the sad news everywhere. The more closely the cheerful participation of our people in the admirable achievements of the airshipment is, the more painful will be the most districts affected by such severe accidents, which the great advantages in technology have not been able yet to prevent.

In gratitude, the country commemorates the brave men who where so suddenly torn from their effectiveness.”

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