L2 International Responses

L2 International responses
to the airship accident



Reactions not only from the immediate neighboring countries on the crash of the Naval Airship L2 (Zeppelin LZ 18):

Vienna, 1913-10-17

Feldzeugmeister Krobatin to the Secretary of the Navy Office:

“With deep emotion the shocking news about the explosion of the Naval Airship “L2” has been noted. Heartfelt participation fulfills our whole army, especially as the insidious elements have ruthlessly destroyed not only the airship, but also the precious lives of many clever  comrades. 

I am honered to express, with this latest and so distressing occasion, my and the Imperial and Royal Army sincerely felt condolences to the German navy to this terrible loss. (signed) v. Krobatin, Feldzeugmeister.”

The Präsidialvorstand of the Martime Section of the War Department this morning expressed in an official manner the condolences of the Austro-Hungarian fleet to the misfortune of the “L2” at the German Embassy. 


Budapest, 1913-10-18

The Prime Minister, Count Tisza to the joint Foreign Minister, Count Berchtold:

“On the occasion of the shocking accident of Johannistal, I request Your Excellency to express my deep and sincere sympathy to the Imperial German Government and the Hungarian government. ”



Prince Louis of Savoy, Duke of Abruzzi:

“Deeply moved by the momentous catastrophe that the Naval Airship “L2” has been affected by, I ask Your Excellency to accept the assurances of my sincere sympathy to the bereaved. Luigi Savoia.”

Rom, 1913-10-17

The Italian Minister of War and the Navy Minister have expressed condolences of the Italian army and navy in Berlin by telegram.

Rom, 1913-10-18

The “Popolo Romano” reports that the Minister of War and Navy Minister have expressed condolences of the Italian army and navy in Berlin by telegram to the catastrophe of the Naval Airship “L2“.  


Paris, 1913-10-17

President Poincaré to Imperior Wilhelm:

“I learn from the painful misfortune that has befallen the Naval Airship “L2” and from its terrible consequences. I beg Your Majesty to believe in my sincere condolences to the families of the unfortunate victims. I renew to Your Majesty the assurances of my esteem. Signed Poincaré.”

The Navy Minister Baudin, who is currently in Tunis, and there learnt about the disaster in the early afternoon already, sent a telegram of condolence to the German naval administration.

Paris, 1913-10-18

Navy Minister Baudin asked in a telegram to the French Embassy in Berlin the French Naval Attaché to go to the Admiralty to express condolences to the liveliest of the Minister and the French Navy to commemorate the misfortune of the Naval Airship “L2“. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Pichon, and Navy Minister Baudin have expressed condolences to the German ambassador, Baron von Schoen, on the occasion of the catastrophe of the “L2“.

The French Aero Club to the German Aeronaut Association:

“Deeply moved by the terrible catastrophe of the Zeppelin airship the Aero Club of France expresses it s sympathetic participation to the German Aeronaut Association.”

Furthermore from the Swedish, Dutch and Greek Minister of Marine as well as the from the commander of the Austro-Hungarian airshipmen Department heartfelt condolence telegrams got in. Countless are as well the testimonies of sincere sympathy of cities and communities, corproations, companies and individuals. 


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