L2 Press International

L2 Press international
about the airship accident


Internationally, the misfortunes of the Naval Airship L2 (Zeppelin LZ 18) triggered attention and sympathetic responses:


Vienna, 1913-10-17

The Vienna newspapers express in heartfelt words the sincere sorrow and heartfelt condolences of all Austria to the misfortune which has affected the German Reich by the catastrophe of the Naval Airship “L2” and by the loss of so many brave lives.

The common participation is aimed particularly at the Graf Zeppelin, the by all recent adversities in his will and manpower unbended inventor and builder of the airships named after him. 

The papers express the conviction that not even this catastrophe like all with property and blood by now so dearly bought experience, could stop the conquest of the air and the triumphal track of the airnavigation.  


Amsterdam, 1913-10-18

The Amsterdam “Handelsblad” discusses the catastrophe of the Naval Airship “L2” and expresses its sincere sympathy for the German people, who have lost so clever fellows, further for the naval authorities and especially for the odl Graf Zeppelin, whose afflictions appear to not to want to end.


Paris, 1913-10-18

In the comments of the Paris press about the Zeppelin-Accident the view is quite general expressed, that the new catastrophe has inflicted the Zeppelin dirigible balloon a severe if not decisive defeat. This view is shared by eminent specialists in the field of aeronautics. It´s point out that the elements had no part in this accident, but that rather at the time of the catastrophe the most splendid weather prevailed.

The “Figaro” says:

“There is nobody in France, who will not welcome these too many victims of the air full of respect.”

The “Debats” and others:

A natural feeling of compassion and the sympathic joint surety stirs in these serious circumstances for the victims of this horrific accident and for our neighbors, who does not a failure discourage. The mishap, which persistently pursues their Zeppelins, does not succeed nor in shaking their strong confidence nor in slowing down their activities. A dirigible balloon disappears – another replaces it. Thus Germany is an example of steadfastness and energy, which to admire on cannot avoid.


London, 1913-10-18

The “Daily Chronicle” says:

Germany has paid for the conquest of the air a high price, higher than any other nation. France has perhaps lost a hundred of his sons, Germany mourns the loss of a much larger number. The “L2” is the tenth dirigible balloon of the Zeppelin´s  system, that has fallen victim to a catastrophe. The long list of these accidents must ultimately destroy the confidenc in the usefulness of the dirigibles. Today it is clear that the future belongs to the plane and not to the dirigible.

The “Daily Mail” says:

The fact that to the dangers of destruction by the elements there comes the danger of explosion must inevitably raise doubts about the value of the dirigibles.

The “Times” writes:

In these tragic circumstances it would be forgivable if only temporarly a feeling of depression would take possession of the German public. But we would be very disappointed if the loss of two such great airships would impede the progress in the aeronautical development of Germany. A few hours after the accident of the “L2” the passenger ship “Hansa” flew over Berlin. The mourners will have seen in it an encouraging sign for the future.

Major Powell, a man whose word in the circle of airmen deserves to be heard, sent a letter to the Times, in which he conjures the science to do everything to invent an unexplodable gas, that would be suitable to be used for airships.

The “Daily Telegraph” says:

In this moment the sympathy of the british people, whose own feelings have been placed in excitement by the recents events, turns with admiration and sadness to the whole nation across the North Sea. The German people are rising up against this blow with a maturity that excites our admiration. The immediate decision to send up the other airship struck in this hour of grief a note, which the English know to appreciate.

The Germans share with us the peculiarity to straighten up proudly after a momentary defeat and the decision not to retreat, only because a misfortune has befallen them. We have no doubt that he goal of development of the perfect airship will despite of all the terror be persued not only in Germany, but also in England.

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